Monday 27 February 2012


Wazzub Family

After working in this industry a while, you get used to the frequency at which new opportunities arise.  On an almost daily basis, I’m contacted about a business that someone would like to recruit me in to.  Occasionally, an opportunity will arise that causes quite a stir, and I’ll hear about it from several different parties.  Most recently, the new opportunity creating all the fuss has been Wazzub.  After nearly a month of consistent emails and calls, I decided to take a closer look and see what all the fuss is about.  If you’ve also been contacted about Wazzub and are considering joining, hopefully this Wazzub Review will assist you in deciding if it’s a good fit for you.

What Is Wazzub Anyway?

Similar to Bing or Google, Wazzub is a search engine.  As of January 1st, 2012, they are in pre-launch and scheduled to go live on April 9th, 2012.  The intent is for Wazzub to be a profit sharing company, sharing 50% of their profits with their members.  It’s currently free to join, and according to Wazzub, it always will be.  Once their site goes live, members will potentially be able to earn $1 per month for every member who joined under them, up to 5 levels deep. offers a handy calculator to help you figure your potential earnings with their program.  At this time, all you need to do is spread the word and sign up as many members as you can by April 9, 2012.  In addition to remaining free, Wazzub also states that there will never be any autoships or fees - ever.

How Will Wazzub Pay Its Members If It Will Always Be Free?

Much like Google and AOL, Wazzub will eventually monetize their site.  News, games, ads and other special offers will appear on the home page.  This advertising is where the profits will come from that are to be shared with the members.  The more traffic and interest Wazzub can generate ahead of time, the easier it will be for them to attract advertisers. explains that their aim is to create the “perfect home page” for internet users.

What’s So Special About Wazzub?

Wazzub is very clear about the fact that they do not consider themselves an MLM company, but rather, “the perfect internet opportunity”.  There are no downloads, no jobs to be done, nothing to buy or sell, no autoships or fees and there never will be. Essentially, as a Wazzub member, the only thing you need to do is spread the word to as many people as possible.  The more members you have in your “uni-level x 5 community” by the 9th of April, 2012, the higher your monthly earnings will be after that, with no additional work to be done.

Wazzub Scam Maybe?

Free membership means there really isn’t much to lose.  The worst that could happen is it ends up failing.  If you paid nothing to join, then you won’t be out any money.  At this point, it seems like the only thing you stand to lose is time. We all know how valuable that is, so it’s up to you to decide if Wazzub is an opportunity that’s right for you.  There was a time, although it seems hard to remember, when Google was only an idea.  Everything has to start somewhere.  Myself, I’m always open to an opportunity.  Over 1 million people joining within the first weeks of pre-launch, and back to back emails and calls in reference to this opportunity caused me to see some potential.  I decided why not give it a go.  If you decide, as well, to take a chance with Wazzub, you can get signed up here and also pick up thousands in Exclusive Wazzub Bonuses.

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